questions & answers

questions & answers

What should I wear?

Welcome Party - Dressy Casual/Elevated Coastal Chic

Sean will be wearing a linen suit with no tie and Mariah will be wearing a maxi dress

Wedding - Cocktail Attire

Suits for men; tie optional (groom & groomsmen will be wearing ties).
Dressy garden party attire for women (bridesmaids will be wearing yellow floral & solid gowns).
Note: we recommend block heels or wedges for women as some events will take place on the grass. We will also have heel stoppers for anyone who needs them!

Can I bring my kids?

Unfortunately, we cannot host any children at our wedding. We appreciate your understanding!

Will the wedding be outside?

All wedding events will take place either outside (weather depending) or in locations that are open to the outside air. We recommend block heels or wedges for women as some events will take place on the grass!

Where should I RSVP?

Please RSVP here by no later than June 1. The RSVP form will ask you to indicate your meal preference in addition to any dietary restrictions!

Will transportation be provided?

On Saturday, we will be providing shuttles for all guests with stops at Fairfield Inn & Suites, OneSixtyFive, The Harpswell Inn, and Bolos in Brunswick, the location of our after party! Please plan to utilize our shuttles if you are able, as Ubers and ridesharing services are less plentiful in Brunswick and Harpswell than compared to other areas on the East Coast. If you do plan to use Uber, leave extra time for the Uber’s arrival. Parking is also available at all hotels and the wedding venue, Live Well Farm!